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Installing non-free plugins in Jaunty (9.04)

Make sure you have the medibuntu repository enabled.

aptitude install non-free-codecs

Now I can play mms:// streams.

Images & why you need com_resize

I the release post of com_resized there was asked the question why one should use com_resize. There are three reasons to use it:

  1. The generated images aren the size you want them to be. So they’re smaller of size than the original images.
  2. You won’t get any ugly resized images (see the example below).
  3. It works with remote images. So you can link to an image one someone else’s blog and they get resized to the size you want + cached. So that way they get loaded from your own server: so faster.

No more ugly resized images:

The one on the left is without com_resize. The one on the right is _with_ com_resize. If you don’t see any difference. Your browser is probably doing some fancy stuff with the image. In that case you don’t need com_resize. But maybe the readers of your blog do!

For the people who don’t see any difference (leave a comment with your OS + browser, please!) I have attached a screenshot. Made in IE6, so the font is ugly too :)

bt45′s and tire pressure

I always forget what tire pressure my Bridgestone battlax BT45′s have. So now to never forget:

2.5 & 2.8

(front & rear)

pushing all git remote repositories

I’m now working on a project that is hosted on github AND rubyforge. And lazy as I am, I don’t want to do:

git push origin
git push rubyforge

That’s why I create a handy shortcut for it and placed it in my ~/.bashrc:

function git-push-all() {
for remote in `git remote`; do
git push $remote

What it does: it lists all remote repositories linked to that git project and pushes them all. Usage:


Don’t get confused with “git-push –all”! That’s something completely different!


30 April was queens day (?) and 1 may was labourday /  Ascension Day. So I didn’t have to go to work. But when I came home (I live 100km from my work or so) I noticed I forgot to pack the adapter of my notebook. I had 1,5 hours of power left. So I checked my mail and hibernated it. *Sigh* two days without hacking any software… And to make things worse. I now have my adapter back, but I was stupid enough to rip the coax to pieces. After work, first stop: hardware store! I must have Internet tonight!

com_resize on wordpress plugins

Because I expect a huge, huge demand of my com_resize plugin, I have put it on the wordpress site :)

Now I hope it gets approved.

Some Wine and Hardy

Wine still segfaults on me with Hardy Heron! I’m gonna look if this still works:

Does not work (segfaulting):
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
sudo -i
apt-get build-dep wine && apt-get source --build wine

This does work:
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
sudo -i
apt-get source wine
cd wine-0.9.55
make depend && make
sudo make install

(for me)

Where am I going to host my project?

In my previous blog item I asked the question: where am I going to host my (git) project? John Nunemaker mentioned github for hosting git projects. Maybe I’m gonna look at that when I’m done with my house.