Entries from September 2011 ↓

Using rsync with spaces

Something to never forget again:

rsync --recursive me@remote:'"~/Very complicated path/"' ~/Downloads/

So: single quote, double quote, path, double quote, single quote

The continuing story of Zend Studio 5.5.1

Everytime I install a new version of Ubuntu / Linux I’m hoping Zend Studio (the old/good one) will still be working. So I installed Ubuntu 11.10 and also this time I had to install some stuff to get Zend Studio working.

sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 ia32-libs
ln -s /lib32/libc.so.6 /lib/libc.so.6

And it worked! Know I’m gonna try do update the JRE of the Zend Studio 5.5

ClipIt clipboard manager trayicon under Ubuntu 11.10

In ubuntu 11.04 I had an icon at ~/.icons/Humanity/status/22/gtk-paste.svg so I would get a nice systray icon for ClipIt. But ClipIt changed something so now I had to cp the gtk-paste.svg to:


Then logout/login and I had a nice trayicon! Long live clipboard managers. I _really_ wouldn’t want to miss them!