Entries from June 2012 ↓

sudo & vim

I had some minor annoyance while using Vim on the commandline. Whenever I did: `sudo vim` my Vim plugin wheren’t loaded (root had no .vimrc). I discovered that you can add environmental variables to sudo so I added this to my ~/.bash_aliases:

alias sudo="sudo MYVIMRC=$HOME/.vimrc"

Disabling the oneconf service in Ubuntu

Oneconf was eating up a lot of memory on my system. But if you purge the oneconf package it also removes the ubuntu-desktop and software-center package. And I wanted to keep those. Especially ubuntu-desktop.

David Anderson had a nice post about this on the Ubuntu launchpad. He suggested to do the following:

sudo chmod a-x /usr/share/<wbr>oneconf/<wbr>oneconf-<wbr>service
sudo chmod a-x /usr/share/<wbr>oneconf/<wbr>oneconf-<wbr>query
sudo chmod a-x /usr/share/<wbr>oneconf/<wbr>oneconf-<wbr>update

So I did and it works great. No more oneconf service and I didn’t notice any other problems (yet).

Opensource Github alternative

While searching for a nice Github alternative (too pricey I think) I came upon this nice alternative. GITLAB
Check it out!