Entries from March 2012 ↓


Ik heb de eerste versie van motorrijweer.nl live gezet! ‘t Is nog vrij basis maar je kunt wel al voor een paar regio’s het motorweer/motorrijweer opvragen. Op naar de volgende versies!

Motorrijweer / motorweer

Combining 4 images and aligning them next to eachother

The workflow: make two new images out of 4: combining 2×2 to make hdr’s. Then aligning them

sudo apt-get install hugin-tools enfuse
enfuse DSC_166* -o 1.jpg
enfuse DSC_167* -o 2.jpg
align_image_stack -a test.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg

Then I put them next to eachother in GIMP :p


The continuing story of Zend Studio 5.5.1 (part 2)

Everytime I install a new version of Ubuntu / Linux I’m hoping Zend Studio (the old/good one) will still be working. This time with Ubuntu 12.04 I again had to do this but it didn’t take longer than a couple of minutes.

First I had to install the java executable (otherwise I got a “java: not found” error message. Because the Sun JRE isn’t available anymore for Ubuntu (12.04) I installed the default one (icedtea I believe). To my amazing that worked perfectly!

Then I had to install some (i386) libs and it worked! libxcursor is need or else you’ll get a really ugly cursor in Zend Studio 5.

sudo apt-get install default-jre
sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 libxp6:i386 libxtst6:i386 libxcursor1:i386
ln -s /lib32/libc.so.6 /lib/libc.so.6

msmtp and the aliases file (/etc/aliases)

Since version 1.4.25 msmtp has support for a aliases file. I edited my ~/.msmtprc and added:

aliases ~/.aliases


root:           myemail@mydomain.tld

Only ~/.aliases didn’t get expanded to the full path:


Other than that, it worked perfectly! Now I can send e-mails to root and have them delivered to my personal e-mailaddress.