Entries Tagged 'Ruby' ↓

testing and Rails


As a “professional” webdesigner I know how much testing sucks and how it, at the same time, is one of the most important things to do (besides coding the stuff). That’s why I appreciate Rails’ very complete testsuite so much. And now with Rspec user stories (a nice tutorial here and here) and webrat it’s getting even better!

Installing jruby

I used this resource:


How to install jruby on Ubuntu:

sudo -i
mdir -p ~/src/jruby/trunk
cd ~/src/jruby/trunk
svn svn.codehaus.org/jruby/trunk/jruby/ .
~/src/jruby/trunk/bin/jruby --version

The current version doesn’t work to well with rails’ script/console. It is very, very, very slow. So I keep using Yarv until this is fixed. It seems really promising though. Can’t wait for Rubinius to become stable!

Rdoc and Rails

With my fabulous new project: mpd_radio I’m trying to everything right: tests, documentation, the whole shebang. So I was surfing tonight for some tutorials on rdoc. But I couldn’t find a lot. Some useful links:

When I learn some more about it I’ll post it here!

What’s all this git stuff anyway?

I’m reading a lot about git lately. Supposedly it’s the next greatest revision control software. It’s faster, better and doesn’t take the enormous amount of space subversion does. Maybe I’ll try it anytime soon but I don’t see any obvious advantages for using git over subversion.

I think using git’s a lot more trouble. Does capistrano work? Where am I going to host my project? Does netbeans support git? Is there enough git documentation for dumb people like me?