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2.5.1 image uploader bug

I recently upgrade my WordPress installation to 2.5.1 and this annoying bug showed up. After some reading I installed the no-flash-uploader plugin. This plugin disables the faulty (flash) component and replaces it with a traditional uploader. So now I can upload my files again. But it is rather annoying. And I think more people would agree with me.

com_resize on wordpress plugins

Because I expect a huge, huge demand of my com_resize plugin, I have put it on the wordpress site :)

Now I hope it gets approved.

Nice image resizer

You see all the nice (resized) images on my site? I’ve made a plugin for them to be generated. Want I wanted was to add an image in the wordpress editor. Give a height and/or width and that they would be resized automatically.

With proud I introduce my resize plugin: com_resize. Why the name? Because I’ve used the source code from on of my Joomla! mambots. Hence the name.

You can download it here. If you have any question: leave behind a comment.

For installing: just unpack it in the plugins folder and activate the plugin. Your server must have GD installed (or Imagemagick I believe). Maybe I’ll release a version with mod_rewrite supported images. But that’s only if I’m sore bored I don’t what to do else.

Joomla! vs. WordPress

I’ve been using WordPress for over two months now and I’ve already written 24 posts! I thinks that’s a nice average.

When I look at my old blog: v2.vanutsteen.nl, I think my average there is about two posts every month or so.

The difference is that I’m now using WordPress instead of Joomla! And WordPress is sooo much simpler for a blogsite then Joomla! You can use Joomla! for your blog. Even with comments and all. But the way WordPress is set up, every moron (as me) can just start blogging. They made it really simple. And they should keep it that way! No fancy stuff in the default wordpress installation. If you want to get fancy, just install all plugins.

I’ve got to plugins installed. One for generating google sitemaps and another for caching my pages. The first one is a bit slow and I really don’t like it. The caching plugin (wp-cache 2) is really nice. Install, activate and go. And my website flies instead of crawling like it first did.

I’m using Joomla! during the day at my job. So Joomla! is buying my bread and paying my house and I know Joomla! through and through. I make webshops, coporate sites, intranets, etc. with Joomla!. But I wouldn’t use it for a blog. WordPress is the way to go!


edit: I saw I haven’t added the sitemap to the above image. So here goes:

  • Red: WordPress
  • Blue: Joomla!
  • Yellow: Drupal

Image resize script for wordpress

WordPress is a great blog application. It has some nice free templates and the default installation has everything I need without being bloated. I miss one thing: automatic resizing of images who are too big. So I plan on making it myself. Something like this but even simpler (as well in functionality as in configurability).

The beauty of Ubuntu

A.k.a. “installing something that would take ages in another OS”

For a client of ours I’m doing a project. But I had to wait at my new house today for my new tiles. And at my new address I don’t have internet yet. So I made a local copy of the project and had to install apache, mysql and phpmyadmin.

sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5 phpmyadmin mysql-server apache2 php5-gd

And it worked! Linux not user-friendly? Pfffttt!