Flash player 10 on Ubuntu Hardy

Because I’m had (yes, past tense) some issues with Flash player 9 on Ubuntu Hardy Herron, I was looking for some simple way to install Flash 10 on my installation. So I browsed the Ubuntu forums a bit and fout some howto’s. But they all involved some downloading and manual installing the Flash 10 Linux package. Yeah, that was a no-go for me. First of all because it were only some minor issues and because I’m lazy. And manually installing is sooooo 2005.

But then I thought: waaaait a minute, I can pull the same trick I did with ruby 1.8.7 and guessnet! The steps:

  1. Copy this file to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intrepid.list
  2. Apt-get update
  3. apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree (just to be save)
  4. Add flashplugin-nonfree to /etc/apt/preferences (here’s the example how including ruby & guessnet)
  5. apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
  6. Restart firefox

Voila: flash 10

The benefits: no as much cpu-cycles waisted as with Flash 9 (still a lot more than with Flash in Windows) and I don’t have the problem anymore that flash sometimes hangs my browser when I leave a page with Flash on it. Oh, and sometimes Flash didn’t load: that’s solved too!


#1 Rick Galbraith on 07.30.08 at 03:19

Is there a similar approach using Synaptic? It is more graphical and understandable to me.

#2 Rick on 08.06.08 at 07:03

Oh fk you dude for 404!

#3 LeonB on 08.06.08 at 09:44

I checked it yesterday and it was a 404 indeed. But now it works again :S

Thank you for your nice reply…

#4 michael on 12.27.08 at 06:12

This might be a bit obvious, but… go to Adobe’s website, download install_flash_player_10_linux.deb, open a terminal window, sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree, dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb

Good to go.

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